ACFAS announced today that Isabelle Peretz, BRAMS co-director, had been awarded Prix ACFAS – Jacques Rousseau 2009 (Interdisciplinarity), sponsored by Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRSQ, FQRNT and FQRSC).
For further information (ACFAS website)…
- An article entitled “Prix Jacques-Rousseau – La musique avant toute chose”, written by Michel Belair, has also been published in Le Devoir on Saturday, October 10th 2009. To read the article (French only), please click here.
- An article entitled “Prix de l’ACFAS: Une spectaculaire récolte” has also been dedicated by the weekly Forum to all Université de Montréal’s awardees 2009. To read the article (French only), please click here. (article no longer available)