Your child can participate in a study on video games, music and ADHD from the comfort of your home!
Dr. Simone Dalla Bella’s lab at Université de Montréal is researching music and video games in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
- In this study, we are evaluating video games on children’s rhythmic abilities and cognition. The game is a mobile app for tablet and smartphone.
- Participants should meet these criteria:
- Age between 7-13 years old.
- Understand English and/or French.
- Be non-musician (have less than two years of formal musical training).
- Have a normal sight and hearing (or corrected to normal).
- Have an ADHD diagnosis, without comorbidities.
- Live anywhere in Canada.
If you are uncertain about any of these criteria, please contact us in order to verify your eligibility!
50$ compensation is provided for your child’s participation, which includes: Playing an entertaining game on tablet from home (2h30/week for 2 weeks), plus two sessions of videoconference (about 90 & 45 minutes each) to help prepare for the game and complete questionnaires and online tasks.
Interested? Please contact us and confirm your eligibility by email or phone: Hugo Laflamme at 514-343-6111, ext 3594.