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July 10th, 2023

Musicians needed for a study

Are you a musician with at least 6 years of formal training on a musical instrument?


Would you like to learn about how people coordinate in groups and with computer models?

We are seeking musicians to tap simple melodies with other participants and with computer models. The study takes about 75 minutes and participants receive up to $15 ($5 for participation in a 5-minute solo task and $10 for participation in a joint task). Participants must be 18-35 years of age, have at least 6 years of private instrument training, and must not have any diagnosed hearing problems to participate.

If interested, e-mail Bavo at: spl.psychology@mcgill.ca


This project is under the supervision of Prof. Caroline Palmer, Psychology Dept., McGill Univ, N6/3 Stewart Biology Bldg, 398-5270, and Prof. Marcelo Wanderly, Schulich School of Music, 550 Rue Sherbrooke Ouest, 500

Take part in a research study

BRAMS (International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research) is a unique laboratory dedicated to research excellence in the study of music and auditory cognition with a focus on neuroscience. BRAMS is located in Montreal and jointly affiliated with the University of Montreal and McGill University.


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