Annual CRBLM Symposium
Selected Topics in Sensorimotor Integration
Registration is now open (and free) for the May 2 CRLBM Symposium “Selected Topics in Sensorimotor Integration.” The symposium features keynote addresses by Peter Keller, Ph.D. (MARCS Institute, University of Western Sydney, Australia) and Anne-Lise Giraud, Ph.D. (Université de Genève, Département des Neurosciences Fondamentales). Other invited speakers include CRBLM members: Drs. Vincent L. Gracco, Robert Zatorre, Rachel Brown, Krystyna Grabski and Katherin Rothermich.
CRBLM invites faculty, students and postdoctoral researchers, both members and non-members, to submit a proposal for a poster as part of the symposium. You needn’t be a member of the Centre, but your poster should fall within the domain of sensorimotor integration. We’d like to encourage a broad showing and discussion of work in this area. Student presenters will be eligible for a $250 prize for best conference poster (student must be first author). Work that has already been presented at national or international conferences is welcomed.
Information regarding the conference program, speakers and abstracts, and poster submission, as well as conference registration, is available at: