BRAMS 4th Scientific Social Event: Natalia Fernandez & Falisha Karpati
To celebrate the scientific and cultural diversity of BRAMS, we are holding a BRAMS Scientific Social Event.
The event will be held on a Thursday once a month and will provide a platform to facilitate scientific and cultural exchange. BRAMS members will get a chance to share new and exciting research with their fellow colleagues.
Following the scientific presentations, we will have an internationally-themed reception facilitated by some of our members. We hope that all of you will participate to make this event a success!
Scientific Presentations by:
– Natalia Fernandez – Attentional control and fall risks in seniors: Effects of music-based training
– Falisha Karpati – Brain and behavioural correlates of specialized training: Dance versus music
Cuisine celebrated: Italian
Host: Nicolo Bernardi
Organizer: Megha Sharda, Postdoctoral Fellow, Auditory Brain and Cognitive Development Laboratory, Dept. of Psychology, University of Montreal, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University