Boris Kleber, Ph.D.
Boris Kleber was a postdoctoral fellow at BRAMS , working under the supervision of Prof. Robert Zatorre.
Boris Kleber received his Masters of Science in Psychology from the University of Konstanz (Germany) and his Ph.D. (Dr. rerum naturalium) in Psychology/Neuroscience from the University of Tübingen (Germany) under the supervision of Niels Birbaumer. Previously affiliated with the neurolinguistics group at the University of Konstanz and the Brain-computer interface (BCI) group at the University of Tübingen, his academic interests focus on human singing, the neural mechanisms involved, as well as the neural foundations of performance anxiety. His Ph.D. work explored motor imagery and experience dependent neuroplasticity in trained singers. He was also responsible for a large DFG-supported study involving neuroimaging of overt singing and EEG-neurofeedback at the Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology (University of Tübingen). His current work is designed to identify the relative contribution of auditory and proprioceptive modalities to sensorimotor integration in singing and how vocal training may change these systems.
Currently: Assistant Professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine – Center for Music In the Brain, Aarhus C, Denmark
Affiliation: Dr. R. Zatorre Lab
University: Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University