Maxime Tulling, Ph.D.

Maxime Tulling is an Assistant Professor specialized in Neurolinguistics and First Language Acquisition at the Linguistics and Translation department of Université de Montréal. She completed her bachelor and M.A. degree in Linguistics at Leiden University, the Netherlands and obtained her Ph.D degree in Linguistics at New York University with her dissertation titled “Neural and developmental bases of processing language outside the here-and-now”.

Her research mainly investigates how people express and process information at the sentence and discourse level, and how this ability develops throughout childhood. Topics of interest include discourse structures and elements that vary in the type of information that they contribute to the discourse: modality (expressing possibilities and certainty), counterfactuality (expressing information counter to reality), negation, discourse particles and figurative language (marking attitude, intention and certainty). She also has an interest in the processing of sentence prosody and the role of social interaction and situational context in language learning.

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