Noémie Auclair-Ouellet, Ph.D.

Dr. Noémie Auclair-Ouellet completed a Master’s degree in Speech Language Pathology at Laval University and a joint doctorate between Laval University (Experimental Medicine) and the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland (Language and Communication Sciences). She then completed a postdoctoral fellowship in clinical and cognitive neuroscience at the Hotchkiss Brain Institute at the University of Calgary. Dr. Auclair-Ouellet’s projects focus on semantic cognition, executive functions and areas of language that involve the internal structure and relationships between words: morphology, syntax, and speech. She uses a combination of methods and approaches including behavioural assessment and neuroimaging.

Dr. Auclair-Ouellet’s research focuses on the interaction between language, other domains of cognition, and the global clinical profile in acquired language disorders of vascular and neurodegenerative origin. The goal of this research is to identify language markers that are reliable, distinctive, and predictive of decline or recovery, depending on the population, and to develop treatments and interventions that are better adapted to communication impairments in different acquired language disorders. Dr. Auclair-Ouellet’s current work focuses on semantic cognition, executive functions and on the domains of language that involve structure and relationships between words: morphology, syntax, and connected speech.

icon Affiliation: Assistant Professor, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

icon University: McGill University

icon Email

icon Phone: (514) 398-4137

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BRAMS (International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research) is a unique laboratory dedicated to research excellence in the study of music and auditory cognition with a focus on neuroscience. BRAMS is located in Montreal and jointly affiliated with the University of Montreal and McGill University.


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