March 10th, 2021
BRAMS has been awarded over $9 million in funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) in a joint venture with the University of Montreal (lead institution), McGill and Concordia.
The new grant will support a unique and shared technological platform for assessing learning and re-learning of auditory-motor skills using behavioural and brain imaging approaches as well as the development of evidence-based interventions to enhance learning in healthy and disordered populations across the lifespan.
The infrastructure will include a dedicated virtual environment, equipment to record oscillatory brain signals (EEG, MEG, fNIRS), devices to deliver temporally modulated brain stimulation (rTMS, TACS), a robot to measure limb movement trajectories (KINARM), computational infrastructure for databases and modelling, and much more.
Congratulations to co-directors Simone Dalla Bella and Robert Zatorre, and the collaborators from the three Montreal Universities for this achievement!!