Conference by Dr. Merav Ahissar
Detection of auditory regularities: success and failure
Abstract: Expertise is acquired by a gradual replacement of on-line computations with scheme-based memory retrieval. This is the case for both simple perceptual and complex cognitive tasks. However, such a training-based replacement requires acquisition of the task-relevant regularities. We found while the general population is quick in detecting and integrating simple statistical regularities, dyslexics have difficulties in implicit integration of simple sound regularities, accounting for their failure to effectively benefit from their characteristic native-language statistics. We propose a computational and neuronal accounts for both success and failure in these processes.
Bio: Dr. Ahissar is a Professor of Psychology and Brain Research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Biology and Computer Science., Ph.D. in perceptual learning, Postdoc in auditory psychoacoustics at UCSF with Mike Merzenich.