Full Members
Mickael Begon, Ph.D.
Biomechanics, modeling-simulation
Biomechanics, modeling-simulation
Department of Kinesiology
Areas of interest
- Modeling and mechanical simulation of human motility with or without equipment;
- Biomechanics of the shoulder from prevention to rehabilitation;
- Optimization of sport movements.
Main research projects in progress
- Musculoskeletal Modeling of the Shoulder for Orthotic Design and Handling Prevention;
- Modeling of soft tissue and bone kinematics (lower limb application);
- Optimization of gymnastic movements at the fixed bar;
- Measure of three-dimensional kinematics on large fields (walking, kayaking and rowing);
- Optimized ergometer design (kayak and rowing)
Affiliation: Professor, School of kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
University: University of Montreal
Phone: (514) 343-6111 Ext. 27553
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