Hsun-Yi Liao
I’m a M.Sc. student in Psychology-Research at University of Montréal and I would like to discover the efficacy and the underlying mechanism of using music for cognitive rehabilitation. I’m also interested in learning the languages of different cultures, as well as their music and musical instruments, from ancient to modern. I have a classical music background in childhood, and I’ve been learning and playing guqin, the foremost solo instrument of traditional Chinese music, for about 18 years. I’m a licensed psychiatrist in Taiwan, and I’m interested in researching the application of music for taking care of psychiatric patients, especially for their functional recovery. That is the reason why I studied music therapy at Montpellier 3 Paul-Valéry University and became a clinical musical therapist in France. My current research is focused on using choral singing to promote the social integration, well-being and French learning of new immigrants.