Kevin Jamie BRAMS

Kevin Jamey

Ph.D. student at the University of Montreal.

I completed my M.Sc. on music perception abilities in children on the Autism Spectrum (AS) at the University of Montreal under the supervision of Dr. Krista L. Hyde, for which I received a Certificate of Academic Excellence from the Canadian Psychological Association. My doctoral thesis is supervised by Prof. Simone Dalla Bella and examines the neural correlates of a tablet-based rhythmic training game (RhythmWorkers) on executive functioning and speech in children on the AS. My research interests are in new technologies for music-based cognitive training in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. In my free time, I sing, write songs and produce music.

icon Affiliation: Dr. S. Dalla Bella Lab

icon University: University of Montreal

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BRAMS (International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research) is a unique laboratory dedicated to research excellence in the study of music and auditory cognition with a focus on neuroscience. BRAMS is located in Montreal and jointly affiliated with the University of Montreal and McGill University.


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