Prof. Tiago Falk

Tiago H. Falk, Ph.D.

Prof. Tiago H. Falk is an Associate Professor at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS-EMT), University of Quebec, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada where he directs the Multimedia/Multimodal Signal Analysis and Enhancement (MuSAE) Lab. His research interests are on the use of multimodal signal processing to provide context-awareness to machine learning algorithms, with particular focus on enabling real-world applications involving noisy data. Representative applications include mental state monitoring of ambulant users in highly ecological settings (e.g., nurse burnout, functional state of first responders), quality monitoring and enhancement of multimedia/biomedical signals and their application in quality-aware machine learning, and environment sensing for adaptive human-machine interfaces.


icon Affiliation: Associate Professor, INRS-EMT (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique - Energie, Materiaux, et Telecommunications)

icon University: INRS

icon Email

icon Phone: 514-228-7022

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